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Plans, Reports and Studies

The Town of Blind River has completed and continues to update the following Plans, Reports and Studies:

Asset Management Plan

The Provincial Government legislated all municipalities to have an Asset Management Plan on all asset types and their current replacement costs. This plan is used to determine capital project and provide backup documentation for grant submissions.

Corporate Energy Management Plan

The Town of Blind River Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan was completed to help achieve the following goals:

  1. Maximize fiscal resources and avoid cost increases through direct and in direct energy savings
  2. Reduce the environmental impact of the municipality's operations
  3. Increase the comfort and safety of staff and patrons of the municipality's facilities
  4. To create a culture of conservation within the municipality.
  5. To improve the reliability of the municipality's equipment and reduce maintenance costs.

Landfill Annual report

Corporate Strategic Plan and Economic Development Strategy

The long-term goal of this project is to identify and implement strategic initiatives that will result in job creation and new investments within the community.

The Action Plan has been developed to guide the community through the development and implementation process.

Blind River Strategic Plan and Economic Development Strategy

Recycling Strategy

Waste Recycling Strategy

Roads Needs Study

Roads Needs Study

Blind River Water Management Plan

Blind River Water Management Plan, March 2007

Winter Operations Plan

2019 – 2020 Winter Operations Plan

Service Delivery Review

The objective of Service Delivery Review is to increase the comprehension of the services presently provided by the Town of Blind River and provide improved information that will allow Council, staff and community to make informed strategic choices in respect to those services.

Service Delivery Review Update

Service Delivery Review Final Report

Town of Blind River Administrative Process Review Final Report

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