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Asset Management

Asset Management Strategy

The Town of Blind River's Municipal Asset Management Strategy provides a practical roadmap and framework for the Town of Blind River to establish and maintain an efficient asset management program. It is intended to guide the consistent implementation of asset management across the organization, to facilitate logical and evidence-based decision-making for the management of municipal infrastructure assets, and to support the delivery of sustainable community services now and in the future. We give particular focus to continuously improving the Town’s asset inventory, and on building an asset management culture—reinforced by sound processes and practices.

Asset Management Plan

The Asset Management Plan (AMP) for the Town of Blind River is developed in accordance with Ontario Regulation 588/17 (“O. Reg”). It includes key elements of the ISO 5501:2014 standard and is regulation compliant. Blind River's AMP also includes the condition of the infrastructure, lifecycle activities, risk, and levels of service. Although not required until July 1, 2024 through O. Reg. 588/17, a financial strategy has also been developed to provide a path for the Town to address infrastructure funding gaps over the long term.

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