Animal Services
In the Town of Blind River, we are committed to providing a safe environment for you and your pets. Learn how to apply for a pet licence, what to do if you lose or find a pet, how to report an issue and more.
View our Animal Regulation By-law to learn more about rules and regulations for pets in Blind River.
Pet Licences
Learn how to apply for or renew a pet licence and view pet licensing fees.
Dog kennel licences
You need to have a licence if you provide a kennel service that houses other people's dogs. Please visit our municipal office at 11 Hudson St. to apply for a Kennel Licence.
Fees and payment
Please refer to our Municipal User Fees By-law for the current Kennel Licence fee. You may pay for a licence via cash, cheque, debit or e-transfer at No password setup is required upon sending a payment via e-transfer.
Lost and found pets
If you have lost your pet in Blind River, please contact our municipal office at 705-356-2251.
If you find a cat or dog that has a tag, you may choose to return it to its owner's address. When we collect tagged pets, we will contact the owner associated with that tag number.
Report an issue
Learn how to report an animal or wildlife issue and keep your home, family and pets safe.
Contact Us
Town of Blind River
11 Hudson Street,
Blind River, ON P0R 1B0
Emergency contact: 705-849-7586
Phone: 705-356-2251
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